Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hercules Knot: Spence Diamonds offers a symbol of adultery and violence

“The ancient Greeks believed Hercules used this knot to protect people he loved...
Hercules Knot pendant represents the strength of your love and commitment.”
                                                                                                                 -Spence Diamonds  radio ad

Hercules: hero, lover, husband. ...Adulterer and murderer? Indeed, these titles belong to the one and same. The beloved Grecian hero was known not only for his Labours and god-like status; he was also a drunkard who, in a fit of rage, murdered his children and (first) wife. Hercules went on to marry three more times before finally having an affair on the last of his wives. (Upon her discovery of his adultery, she murdered him.) 
Is this the man that Spence Diamonds chose to represent ‘love and commitment’? They offer a symbol of love and protection represented by a cheater who committed the ultimate crime of violence against women? It’s time we drop this facade. Hercules was no hero, especially when it came to love and commitment. More realistically, he is a time-tested representation of our society’s obsession with propagating the masculine. This is blind love. Or bad research. 
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